Book Review of Thank Your Lucky Stars
I'm very happy to share my review of Sherrie Flick's new book for SmokeLong Quarterly.
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I'm very happy to share my review of Sherrie Flick's new book for SmokeLong Quarterly.
My review of this stunning collection of very short stories, from the editors at 100 Word Story, is up at SmokeLong Quarterly.
The Fairy Tale Review chose my 280-character flash fairy tale as one of the three winners of their Flash Fairy Tale contest on Twitter. You can read my story and the wonderful stories by fellow winners Kathleen Hull and Katie Farris here.
I'm so happy to report that I'll be teaching an online mini-workshop on flash fiction this month, on March 24-25, with Pen and Paper Writing Workshops. We will be reading some stellar examples of the genre and writing work of our own. The fee is a mere $65. There are still spaces left, so do sign up!Here's a quick summary of the course:We’ll first discuss the elements of the form: what is flash fiction, exactly? Does it need to have a plot? How is it different from a prose poem? When did people start calling short short stories flash? We’ll then look at a few exemplary examples for inspiration. After you draft your story, I'll offer ways to revise it by focusing on characterization and next by sculpting away what is unnecessary to your text. In this process of revising, we’ll be archaeologists digging underneath the layers to see what treasures come up—and those treasures will be passed on to the reader. By the end of the workshop, you should have a strong piece as well as a better understanding of the flash fiction form.Here's the link:
Writer Leigh Camacho Rourks interviewed me for the December issue of SmokeLong Quarterly.
I am thrilled that my fable "This Violent and Cherished Earth" has finally seen the light today, in Cleaver Magazine.
A good day, for several reasons. My flash fiction piece "Nature." was published today in SmokeLong Quarterly.
This, from Essay Daily. And now I continue working on an essay project about walking.
Those few days in the windowless study rooms of the Newton Free Library paid off. All I can say is, I want to do that again. It was wonderful . . .Lost & Found: Cheryl Pappas on Colette
"Woolf's comment seems to hit upon an essential truth: that when held up to the literature of the past, contemporary literature is always going to be seen as less than, as “lean,” as she puts it, and not anything like the works of genius produced in the past.
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