Filtering by Tag: flash fiction
Submit to the Fatal Flaw Flash Fiction Contest!
Cheryl Pappas
I am so happy to serve as judge for Fatal Flaw Literary Magazine’s first annual flash fiction contest! Subs open on January 6 and close February 6. Here is what we’re looking for:
The fatal flaw is a concept that pervades storytelling, literary criticism, and popular culture – from Greek tragedies to the television series we binge. Whether art imitates life or vice versa, the notion of a fatal flaw creeps into our lives and the societies we live in, too. Will my everyday vices bring about my ruin? Do I lose because I’m too nice? Will humans kick fossil fuels and dismantle systems of oppression before the planet burns?
The inaugural Fatal Flaw Flash Fiction Contest (say that five times fast; god, we love alliteration) invites entries of 1,000 words or fewer on the theme that inspired our very creation. Like all literary conventions, the fatal flaw begs to be toyed with, subverted, and reimagined. So send us your interpretations, your experimentations. We can't wait to experience your fatally flawless flash.
All essentail details can be found on the contest page! Please submit your fantastic flash!
The Clarity of Hunger Reviewed in Necessary Fiction
Cheryl Pappas
I was thrilled that Amy Lyons spent so much time with my book. Here is the review in Necessary Fiction.
The Clarity of Hunger Is Launched!
Cheryl Pappas
Friends, The Clarity of Hunger releases today. Thank you to Word West Press and my fellow chapbook authors at the press.
Check out the Events page for readings and conversations!
Wigleaf Top 50 longlist!
Cheryl Pappas
My story “Every Day the House” made the Wigleaf Top 50 longlist—a huge honor!
"Room No. 5" Published in Flash Frog
Cheryl Pappas
My story “Room No. 5, Albergo Dolce Vita, Florence, Italy” was published in Flash Frog. The beautiful artwork that accompanies it was done by Emily Calvo.
"Tending the Elephant" made the shortlist in CRAFT's Flash Fiction Contest
Cheryl Pappas
Congrats to all the winners and finalists in this competitive contest. Honored!
"My Mother's Rooms" in Twin Pies Literary
I'm so happy that Twin Pies Literary accepted my weird time-traveling flash.
The Clarity of Hunger
I'm so happy to share that word west press is the publisher of my debut chapbook, The Clarity of Hunger.