"If" published in Lost Balloon
Cheryl Pappas
My prose poem “If” is up on Lost Balloon.
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My prose poem “If” is up on Lost Balloon.
The kind folks at Micro Podcast invited me to read my hybrid piece “Homework” on the March 7 episode. Take a listen here.
Congrats to all the winners and finalists in this competitive contest. Honored!
"Homework" was the first hybrid work the editors chose. I'm quite proud of this one. This is in print.
I'm so happy that Twin Pies Literary accepted my weird time-traveling flash.
I'm so happy to share that word west press is the publisher of my debut chapbook, The Clarity of Hunger.
My two flash are in the December fiction issue.
I'm over the moon that my first chapbook, The Clarity of Hunger, has found a home with a wonderful publisher. It will be published in Summer/Fall 2021. More details soon!
I was thrilled to find out that Longform selected "Black Rocks" as their Fiction Pick of the Week.
My story "Black Rocks" is up at Juked Magazine. I am especially proud of this one.
This story follows "This Violent and Cherished Earth," https://cleavermagazine.com/this-violent-and-cherished-earth-by-cheryl-pappas/
There is a third story as well. All three are included in my collection.
Maysem Kandej asked me a few questions about my writing life for his series of author interviews on his blog.
So thrilled! "Black Rocks" will be published in Juked in late October. This story is related to "This Violent and Cherished Earth," which was published in Cleaver Magazine.
My flash "1985" is up on Ghost Parachute.Image by Brett J Barr.
Cease, Cows has nominated my poem "The Elephant in the Street" for the 2020 Best of the Net Anthology.
I was honored to find out that my flash fiction chapbook, The Clarity of Hunger, was a semifinalist in the 2020 CutBank Chapbook Contest. It will find a home soon!
Rob McLennan kindly asked me to describe a typical writing day for a series on his blog called "My (Small Press) Writing Day."
I'm thrilled that two micros, "Let It Out" and "Every Day the House," will be published by Leon Literary Review in December and my prose poem "10 Ways to Stop Hungering for More" will appear in the wonderful EcoTheo Review.
I am very happy to see my story "Stranger" published today in this wonderful flash fiction journal.
My flash about a man in Brooklyn who rents a mom was published in Hobart.
My poem appears today in Cease, Cows Magazine, as part of their special feature on poetry related to the environment in April.